
Sunday, October 26, 2014

What's next?

What’s next?

This is the question hovering over our shoulders. The trees are bursting red and orange, we’ve had the most incredible fall weather I can remember, and the only productive thing we want to do is walk around the lake. Or snuggle on the couch and catch up on TV shows or books. It’s also a lot easier to do these things and avoid making a decision on what to do next, because almost every room is in need of our attention.

So, I'll put my thoughts in order room by room. Today ... the dining room. Remember how we inherited it?

Dining room during a walk thru

Sunday, October 19, 2014

fall and evil birds

It's fall! And beautiful by the lake. Our tree is the first in the circle to go, apparently. It was a bit of a shock, since for the past 6 years or so, we haven't had to rake anything. Our baby trees had so little to offer.

So we were unprepared and rakeless when the tree started dropping her leaves. We got some of them in the last mow of the year. The plan was to let her dump everything and then rake once, but on Tuesday, with only half the leaves down, our entirely front yard was completely covered and spreading into other yards. So, I bought a rake and five yard bags at Lowes (ignorantly thinking that'd be enough).

Halfway through, I went back for more bag packs. We wound up filling 10 bags before calling it a day. On the bright side, the weather was beautiful and we got some exercise. And I got to jump in a big pile for kicks.

Yesterday was another beautiful fall day. I went for a walk, Mike watched football. When I came back, there was a strange tapping noise coming from the west wall. I went out to investigate.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Be our guests ... in this full house

Last time we had weekend guests, this is the awesomeness that awaited them. A soothing, luxurious stay in our Painter's Tape Blue guest room. 

Alas, the good times had to end and we had to get our paint on. The room isn't completely finished as far as decorating and tweaks go, but we think tomorrow's guests will approve:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

upstairs hallway: a fresh look

Remember this hotness? Our upstairs hallway and foyer was your standard cream/light beige, which isn't awful, just bland (especially with the lovely beige carpet). Once we had started painting rooms, the scuffed hall walls (say that three times fast!) were really starting to bother us. Plus, the trim was worn and scuffed and warranted a fresh paint job, too. So, while I worked in the guest room, Mike primed the hallway trim.