
Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's on the inside that counts


All the cupboard shelves in our entire house are lined with this pattern of contact paper. Some of it's in great shape, some ... not so much.

It's a classic pattern. I think my mom had it at the farmhouse at one point, and I've even seen it as wallpaper in houses. But it's not our thing. And since we wanted to add some zing to the kitchen but are in that decision paralysis stage, having some fun inside the cupboards seemed like a good way to get our feet wet.

The obvious step was to go to Amazon, where I had way more pattern choices, but my options there proved more expensive than going to Target, where there was less selection but for much less and ready availability.

I wiped down the shelves, which turned out to be hazardous. In the upper cabinet corner, a blind swipe with the rag wound up pushing a pile of sugar onto the counter and stand mixer below. How long has that sugar been hiding back there? And how are there no ants feasting upon it?

At first, I decided to peel off the old contact paper, but this proved to be about as fun as taking down wallpaper. Solution? Paper over it!

Remember when we contact papered the shower window? I decided to spritz the surface to make it easier to shift the liner around until I had it lined up right. Whenever I skipped that step, I regretted it.

Getting there! But we still have more shelves and drawers to go.


  1. Lookin' better already! It makes them seem so much cleaner to have new lining, doesn't it?
    Kelly @ View Along the Way

    1. Yes!! I sprayed and wiped down with a mix of vinegar and water before applying the new paper, and it was gross how dingy the rag was afterward. Starting with a fresh surface feels sooo much better.


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